How to choose keywords for your website It is no doubt that we are in the technological age where everyone wants a piece of the website pie. Millions of businesses are investing heavily in their online presence and nothing beats this, then the old-school website. A website is an online space where one hosts files associated with their business. Once these files are hosted, they are given an address where other users can type in to access them. It is a pretty simple concept that has become very effective in marketing. So, how does your website as a small business compete with larger conglomerates offering similar services? I want us to take a look at how to make your website stand out from others and become your most effective marketing technique.
The major way to effectively build a high-performance website is using Search Engine Optimization, commonly referred to as SEO. It refers to using certain keywords and web layouts to be the most outstanding choice for a website search using a search engine such as Google or my search. For instance, if you are a Dentist, you should use keywords related to your business, services or audience that will effectively make you a top choice for Dentist whenever a potential client searches for you online using a search engine.
So, how do you choose your keywords for your website to make it optimized?
Understand your target audience
It is quite vital that above every other thing, understand the audience you target your website for. What are their online patterns? How do they search for services that you offer? Which are the most common keywords used by your target audience? How has the market changed over time for your particular audience? Once you understand these particular factors, you will understand how you need to use your keywords for maximum optimization. For instance, a market that deals with landscape services, they will ensure that their website has higher densities of certain keywords often used by people who are looking for these services. Remember, this phase requires a lot of research into your target audience and their online behaviors.
Choose areas with most traffic
Keywords are very vital in generating traffic for your website. If you require certain views or website clicks per unit time, then there are certain favorable alternatives in terms of keywords that you need to use. This traffic will effectively generate advertising and even direct revenue for the owners.
This is very crucial for a person who is more inclined to generating revenue through their website rather than generally advertising their own products. Focusing on areas with more traffic will effectively mean you are optimized within the search engine as well as generating more revenue for you. Talk about hitting two birds with one stone.
Research on your competition
Competitive analysis even before other phases of SEO is very crucial to understand just where you stand and exactly how your keyword content should be. With his, you can effectively find out which online strategies are working within the market and what you need to do to improve one’s keyword ranking. Directly analyze who are the market leaders in terms of services or products offered, then analyze the online search competitors. These two groups are often different because of the larger scope that the online platform offers. Analyzing your competition thus comprehensively directs you on how you can use your keywords to stand out in a rather crowded market.
There are just those keywords that everyone is using within their market. You cannot depend on such, especially if you are not paying for the optimization. Keywords and phrases such as “Money”, “Weight Loss”, “Dentist”, “Attorney”, “Landscape”, “Love” etc. Are often very ambiguous when it comes to search engine optimization. They rarely set apart your online content. It is therefore very crucial to use keywords that are not cliché but will effectively get on board your target audience. Using long tail keywords is crucial in achieving this as there are fewer searches for these keywords effectively meaning they are less competitive, thereby making your engine ranking be higher. Long tail keywords consist of three or more words strung together and have a low search volume.

Use profitable keywords
This is one of the reasons you should do keyword research intensively- to ensure you maximize the profitability of the keywords you select. The number of factors determines how profitable a keyword is. They include:
- Using less competitive keywords: This will increase your chances of making it into the top ten search results, thereby making revenue generation a whole lot easier.
- Using keywords from medium competition niches: Three or four worded terms are higher ranked than single worded terms. This makes them averagely competitive, earning the higher ranks while still generating traffic of potential buyers to our website. Using keywords that are economically viable. Expenses are often incurred in the entire search engine optimization process, and it is therefore vital that above every other thing you reap profits or at least break even. Using keywords that will require a lot of money for ad campaigns but do not generate traffic or revenue is a total waste of time. It is vital to note that there are some tools that can help you chose the right keywords. These tools use technology that analyzes certain characteristics of your keywords, including.
- Value of your keyword: This refers to a keyword that brings value to a website. The keyword strives to strike a balance between being high volume and easily ranked, as this achieves maximum use of your keywords in the online space.
- Volume Search: volume refers to the averagely monthly searches of a given keyword. Yes, of course, the keyword needs to be relevant to what your website is talking about, but you need the keywords with higher search volume if you are to achieve SEO.
- Keyword Competitiveness: Refers to the average cost per click that advertisers are willing to pay for Google Ads clicks on ads targeting a certain search query. This makes certain keywords more competitive than others.
- Current ranking: Once you have narrowed down and decided which keywords you will use, one needs to check the current SERP (Search Engine Results Page) ranking. This will help you analyze and know exactly just how to create quality content around certain keywords, thereby earning more links and effectively making you stand out within the ranks.
Search engine optimization cannot be detached from keyword selection. You have to select your keywords carefully and effectively to maximize your optimization and still maintain your relevance in the online space. Everyone wants to be online and have their website up and running, but only the best get theirs on top of the search engine results.
If SEO is a regular sticking point for your business, and you are interested in driving MORE revenue, not just more traffic, contact us for a free discovery call or traffic analysis.