What is the highest converting sites do to turn visitors into customers

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Businesses that take on a well-thought-out and coordinated approach toward conversion optimization usually succeed in today’s digital age. Plus, they're more likely to see a massive increase in sales.

You may ask, why is this? The answer is simple: businesses that focus on conversion optimization are constantly looking for new ways to improve their website and increase sales. They're constantly testing different conversion tactics and analyzing the results to see what works best for their business.

This focus on continuous improvement ensures that these businesses are always ahead of the curve and can take advantage of new opportunities as they arise. On the other hand, other companies are too wrapped up in the "business as usual" mentality and miss out on the potential for growth that conversion optimization provides.

If you want to ensure that your business is booming in the digital age, you need to make sure that you're constantly working on conversion optimization. It's the only way to stay ahead of your competition and maximize sales.

This post will cover the secrets to conversion success used by the highest converting sites and how you can use them to grow your business.

Their Websites Are Designed for Visitors

Often, web designers are guilty of designing websites for design's sake. As a result, they create sites that look good but don't necessarily function well. In particular, not for SEO purposes or the end-user.

And this is a mistake. A website should be designed with the user in mind first and foremost. All other considerations come second. That's what the highest converting websites are doing, and that's what you should be doing.

Keep in mind that your website is the first impression your visitors will have of your business. It's the face of your company, and it needs to be a good one. High-converting websites take advantage of their web design to drive people in and get them to take the desired action.

So, what does it mean to design for your audience? Well, it means:

Engaging Layout

A high-converting website uses a layout that makes it simple for people to find what they're looking for on the page. They use white space as rest for the eyes, nesting content in easy-to-digest chunks. Also, they use eye-catching videos, graphics, images, and web-safe fonts to break up the text.

Intuitive Navigation

High-converting websites make it easy for visitors to navigate. They use clear and concise labeling on their menus, and they place their most important pages in an easily accessible location.

Responsive Design

With more and more people accessing the web through mobile devices, it's crucial that your website is responsive. That means automatically fitting whatever screen it's being viewed on. Thus, encouraging site visitors to take action whether they're on their phone, tablet, or laptop.

Fast Page Load

In today's fast-paced world, people expect sites to load quickly. People want information immediately, and if your site takes too long to load, they'll simply leave and find another that can give it to them faster. So, fast page speed is essential for high conversion rates.

Secure and trustworthy

For people to input their personal information on your website, they need to feel like it's secure. That's why it's essential to have an SSL certificate that encrypts data sent to and from your site. Also, using trust symbols like trust seals can help increase conversions.

Search Engine Optimization

You can have the best website globally, but if people can't find it, it's not going to do you any good. That's why it's essential to optimize your website for search engines. That way, when people are looking for what you have to offer, your site will be one of the first they see.

When your website is SEO-friendly, users are more likely to find it when they're searching for keywords related to your business.

Social Media Marketing

Another way you can design your website for your visitors is to integrate social media. This allows people to share your content with their networks, increasing its reach and potential for conversions. Plus, social media integration makes it easy for visitors to connect with you on a variety of platforms.

Including social media buttons on your website not only makes it more visually appealing but also encourages people to follow you and share your content.

Their Unique Value Propositions Are Clearly Seen on Their Landing Pages or Homepages

High-converting websites make their unique value propositions (UVPs) clear on their landing pages or homepages. Why do they do this? Because it's important! Your UVP is what makes your product or service different from and better than your competitors'. It's what sets you apart.

If your website visitors can't figure out what your UVP is, they're likely to click away and go to a competitor's site. An excellent example of high-converting sites is MailChimp.

The email marketing service/creative digital agency is unique and different from other providers because they focus on making email campaigns easy to set up and track. And this is made clear on their homepage, which features a big header that says, "Turn emails into revenue."

What comes to your mind when you read MailChimp's UVP? Ease of use. And that's what they want you to think.

Another example is our company, Progeektech. We are a local marketing consultant, and our UVP is "Webflow Automation SEO." We make it clear on our homepage that we offer services to improve your SEO and help you automate your web development workflow.

When people know what makes your product or service different and better, they're more likely to use it. So make sure your UVP is clear on your website's homepage.

They Keep Forms to Only the Essentials

Another secret to conversion success is to keep forms short and sweet. Studies have shown that the fewer fields a form has, the more likely someone is to complete it.

For sure, you've encountered forms with so many fields that you simply abandoned them altogether. Imagine seeing at least 25 fields on a form - would you want to go through the trouble of filling all of them out?

Probably not. You'll just leave the site and find another that requires less information from you. That's because time is precious, and no one wants to waste it filling out long, tedious forms.

If you have gotten your site visitor as far as signing up, it's critical that you don't let them drop off at this final hurdle by requiring too much information. The best way to avoid this is by only asking for the essentials.

For lead capture forms, that would be the visitor's name and email address. Once you have those, you can follow up with them later and ask for additional information if necessary.

So, how to create forms that strike the perfect balance between being too long and too short? Here are some tips:

  • Use as few form fields as possible - no one likes filling out long forms
  • Make sure the form is mobile-friendly - people are using their smartphones more and more to browse the web
  • Use clear and concise field labels - this will help visitors understand what information you need from them
  • Make sure the form is easy to use - if it's confusing, people will abandon it
  • Test the number of fields in your form - too many or too few can lead to a higher abandonment rate

They Offer Solid and Noticeable Calls to Action

Another reason why successful websites have high-converting rates is that they offer solid and noticeable calls to action. They ask for the sale in a way that’s not too pushy or sales-y but still gets their point across.

You can see this on websites like Amazon and other e-commerce sites. They make it easy for you to buy what you want with just a few clicks.

Well-targeted calls to action drive conversions because they take people to a particular point. Common examples of calls to action are “Buy Now,” “Add to Cart,” or “Sign Up.”

If you want people to take a specific action on your website, then you need to have a call to action that tells them what to do. Calls to action should be short, sweet, and to the point.

Additionally, when possible, the CTA should create a sense of urgency. You want your visitors to act now and not later. And since people's attention spans are shorter than ever, you need to make sure your CTA stands out.

One way to do this is by using colors that contrast with the rest of your website. For example, if your website is mostly blue, then you can use a button that’s orange or red, which will make it pop and be more noticeable.

You can also use arrows or other visuals to point to the CTA, which will help draw attention to it. And don't forget about using whitespace around your CTAs, so they're not lost in a sea of text.

They Use New Wording for Their Website Buttons

Website buttons are shifting to new wording. This new trend goes beyond the traditional "submit" button. The new wording is more action-oriented and specific. For example, a button might say "Get my free report" or "Send me the e-book." This change reflects the fact that website users are becoming savvier and more demanding.

They want to know what they'll get when they click a button. Neil Patel has perfected this art on his websites. He uses verbiage like "Yes, I want Neil to teach me how to grow my business" that puts site visitors at ease and tells them exactly what will happen when they click the button.

The wording provides reasons for the people to click on the button. It also eliminates any confusion about what will happen when they do click it.

This new trend in button wording is effective and here to stay. So, if you haven't updated your website buttons yet, now is the time to do it. Test out different wording and see what works best for your audience. Then, watch your click-through rates soar.

Their Websites Offer Examples of Success or Proof

Keep in mind that people need proof that doing business with you will benefit them. If yes, they'll happily spend money on your product or service.

High-converting sites showcase examples of success via hard numbers, case studies, and statistics. For example, if you're selling a weight-loss product, your website might feature before-and-after photos or videos, as well as stories from satisfied customers who've used your product and seen results.

If you offer a service like business coaching, you might highlight testimonials from happy clients or share detailed case studies that show how you've helped other business owners achieve their goals.

In other words, if you can brag about your results and offer concrete proof that you can deliver on your promises, do it! It'll go a long way toward increasing conversions.

They Streamline The Checkout Process

One of the common mistakes businesses make with their websites is making the checkout process challenging. If the user needs to go through a lot of hoops just to make a purchase, chances are they’ll give up and go somewhere else.

High-converting websites have a streamlined checkout process that’s easy to use and don’t require the customer to jump through a lot of hoops. And if you want the same results for your website, then you need to make sure that your checkout process is as simple as possible.

So, how can you go about streamlining your checkout process?

Here are a few tips:

  • Make it easy for the customer to find the “checkout” button. It should be prominently displayed and easy to find.
  • Don’t make the customer create an account before they can checkout. It's one of the biggest deterrents to making a purchase.
  • Make sure the forms are short and easy to fill out; the fewer fields, the better.
  • Use auto-fill features to make filling out forms easier for the customer.
  • Include progress indicators, so the customer knows how many steps are involved in the checkout process.

Amazon has the best checkout process. They make it easy for the customer to find the checkout button, they don’t require an account, and the forms are short and easy to fill out. You'll be in good shape if you can model your checkout process after Amazon.

They Have Effective Headlines

A good headline will stop someone in their tracks and make them want to learn more about what you have to say. It's the first step in getting people to engage with your content. But crafting a compelling headline is more complex than it seems.

The best headlines are those that are clear and to the point. They don't try to be clever or cute, but they give readers a sense of what they can expect from the article.

High-converting websites have very effective headlines that people can't help but click on. So, how to write headlines that convert?

Here are some tips:

  • Keep it short and sweet
  • Make it clear what the article is about
  • Use strong verbs to grab attention
  • Ask a question
  • Use numbers or listicles
  • Appeal to emotions

They Convey A Sense of Urgency

Urgency is paramount for businesses to optimize their sites for higher conversions. However, many website owners fail to convey a sense of urgency to their visitors properly. It often happens because they either don’t understand how important it is or think adding “Buy Now!” to their button will be enough.

The reality is that you need to do more if you want to create a sense of urgency on your website. So, how can you do it?

One way is to use scarcity. When people see that there are only a few items left, they are more likely to buy them. You can use this technique by showing the number of items left in stock or the number of people buying the product.

Another way to create urgency is to offer discounts that expire. It will encourage people to buy the product before it’s too late. You can also use countdown timers to create a sense of urgency. It's especially effective if you’re running a sale or a promotion.

Studies also show that the color red can increase the sense of urgency. This is because it triggers the fight-or-flight response in the brain, which makes people act more quickly.

Many different ways can help you create a sense of urgency on your website. Use the ones that work best for your business and see an increase in conversions.

They Are Always Available

High-converting websites always have a live chat available. That's because they know that customers always have questions, and they want to be able to answer them as quickly as possible.

Having a live chat available can provide an excellent customer experience by being there for their customers when they need them the most. And you can too!

Offering live chat on your website is a great way to provide an excellent customer experience. It shows that you are available and willing to help your customers with whatever they need. And that is what excellent customer service is all about.

When your customers know that you are always available to help them, they will be more likely to do business with you—ultimately increasing your bottom line.


Conversion optimization is key to turning website visitors into paying customers. By following the tips in this guide, you can improve your website's conversion rate and start generating more revenue for your business.

If you need some assistance, we can help. We are a Local Marketing agency based in Los Angeles, CA that specializes in helping businesses improve their online presence. We offer digital marketing services, marketing services, marketing consulting, online marketing, etc.

Contact our internet marketing agency today to learn more about how our marketing team can help you grow your business.