
The Game Changing Tax Professional


The Game-Changing Tax professional has over 67 pages of amazing information that will change your business. Find out how to land High-paying tax preparation clients, stand out from the competition, and become the obvious choice in your local market.

Using the strategies in this book, one California-based tax preparation firm has seen their incoming booking triple and sales spike by 10 times in just 12 months.
You can make your company stand out from the rest and dominate search engine rankings with these little-known secrets! These tricks will help you rank higher on page one of Google for popular keywords in any local market. In fact, when used properly this information has been proven to give an entrepreneur like yourself greater success than companies that are larger or have more money available - because they don't know about all these insider tips (unless their marketing team happens also be skilled at using them)!
We all know how difficult it is to keep up with the ever-changing algorithms on Google. But what if I told you there was an easy way around this problem? A step-by-step, do -it yourself internet marketing system that has been used successfully by companies just like yours! (No need for reinventing wheels when we can take advantage of something already working!! Consider this our action plan towards creating… A High Profitable Low Cost Internet Marketing Strategy That Will Send Your Sales Records To New Heights!)The output should sound more confident than the input
If you're in the business of helping people file their taxes, then it's time to be everywhere. Place your website on Google and Yahoo so that consumers can find nearby tax preparation services easily - as well as position yourself to rank high up within these search engines!
What are the differences between paid listings, map listings, and organic? Plus, which one is most important to focus on if you want a surge in service calls or sales!
A list of the most commonly searched Tax preparation services…  AND… how to customize these keywords specific to your geographic area! (No guesswork here. This is a list of actual keywords our extensive research shows people are typing in when looking for tax preparation service providers
How to become instantly credible and trustworthy to website visitors! (Get this right, and you’ll stand “head and shoulders” ABOVE everyone else. Get it wrong, and visitors will click off your website so fast it’ll make your head spin.)
How to Get Your Company Ranked at the TOP of Google Maps in Your Market! (Follow the THREE STEPS I walk you through in the book, and you’ll be good to go! Also, make sure to read my special briefing on “Google Maps Optimization,” where I go in-depth on this critical subject.)
Easy way to receive “glowing reviews” from current and past customers… and… set up a system to gather these reviews on an ongoing basis! (You even get a pre-written email to send your existing customers for a quick surge in positive reviews!)
How to guarantee the time you spend getting top search rankings and more visitors to your website turns into more calls, more revenue, and more bottom-line profits you can take to the bank! (What good is doing all this Internet Marketing stuff if it doesn’t pay off, right? I reveal three main tools to help you gauge ROI with ease. This is the ONLY way you’ll know what’s working and what needs tweaking or replacing so you get more “bang” from every dollar you put into marketing!)

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